
3. Electronic financial transaction terms and conditions

Chapter 1 : General Provisions

Article 1 [ Purpose ]

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to establish basic matters regarding electronic financial transactions between T-Money Co., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as “ Company ” ) and users , to promote prompt and efficient processing of transactions and to reasonably adjust the interests of the parties to the transaction. .

Article 2 [ Definition of Terms ]

① The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows .
1. “ Electronic financial transaction ” refers to a transaction in which a user directly uses financial products and services provided by the company through an electronic device in a non-face-to-face and automated manner .
2. “ User ” refers to a customer who uses electronic financial transactions by entering into an electronic financial transaction agreement with the Company that falls under any of the following items .
a . Conclusion of an electronic financial transaction contract through these terms and conditions
b . Conclusion of an electronic financial transaction contract through these Terms and Conditions and the individual terms and conditions accompanying them.
c . Conclusion of an electronic financial transaction contract through an individual contract rather than in the form of terms and conditions set forth in items A through B.
“ Electronic financial auxiliary business operator ” refers to a person who assists electronic financial transactions for the company or acts as an agent for part of them, or an operator of a payment relay system who falls under any of the following items .
a . A business operator who operates an information processing system related to the company’s electronic financial business
b . A business operator that operates an information processing system by entering into a contract regarding partnership , consignment, or external ordering with the business entity in item (a).
“ Electronic payment transaction ” refers to an electronic financial transaction in which a user allows the company to use an electronic payment method to transfer funds to another user’s electronic payment method .
“ Electronic payment means ” refers to electronic funds transfer , debit electronic payment means , prepaid electronic payment means , electronic money , credit card , electronic bond, and other means of payment using electronic methods .
“ Electronic device ” refers to an automatic teller machine , automatic teller machine , payment terminal , computer , telephone, or any other device used to transmit or process electronic financial transaction information by electronic means .
“ Access medium ” refers to any of the following means or information used to give transaction instructions or secure the authenticity of users and transaction details in electronic financial transactions .
a . Electronic cards and equivalent electronic information provided by the company
b . Electronic signature creation information or certificate pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act
c . User number registered with the company
d . Biometric information of registered users
e . Password required to use the means or information in item (a) or (b)
“ Electronic document ” refers to information created , transmitted , received or stored in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 , Paragraph 1 of the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions .
“ Prepaid electronic payment means ” refers to information on certificates or certificates issued with monetary value stored electronically, such as T-money issued by the company, and goods or services from a third party other than the issuer in accordance with the Electronic Financial Transactions Act. This refers to what is used to pay for purchases . The prepaid electronic payment methods issued by our company are as follows .
a . A prepaid electronic payment means issued without verification of real name or without connection to a deposit account , in which the user first pays the price and can use the monetary value stored electronically in the prepaid electronic payment means for transactions at an affiliated store ( hereinafter referred to as “ It is called “anonymous prepaid electronic payment method ” )
b . It is a prepaid electronic payment means issued by confirming the real name or linked to a deposit account , which allows the user to first pay the price and use the monetary value stored electronically in the prepaid electronic payment means for transactions at affiliated stores ( hereinafter referred to as “ registration type”) (Referred to as “prepaid electronic payment method ” )
“ Transaction instruction ” means that a user instructs the company to process an individual electronic financial transaction pursuant to an electronic financial transaction agreement .
“ Error ” refers to a case where an electronic financial transaction is not carried out as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions , individual terms and conditions , or individual contract, or as instructed by the user, without the user's intention or negligence .
“ Electronic payment agency ” refers to transmitting or receiving payment information or acting as an agent or mediator for the settlement of the price in the purchase of goods or use of services by electronic means .
“ Business day ” refers to a day on which the company conducts normal business .
“ Affiliate ” refers to a person who falls under any of the following items .
a . A person other than the company who provides goods or services to users in transactions using prepaid electronic payment methods in accordance with an affiliated store agreement with the company.
b . A person other than the company who provides goods or services to users in transactions using credit cards, etc. pursuant to Article 2 , Paragraph 5 of the Specialized Credit Financial Business Act pursuant to an affiliated store contract with the company.
② Terms not separately defined in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Electronic Financial Transactions Act and related laws and regulations .

Article 3 [ Change and explanation of terms and conditions ]

① The Company posts these Terms and Conditions on the Company’s Internet website ( and mobile applications for each service ( hereinafter collectively referred to as “ Internet Websites, etc. ” ) to enable users to conduct electronic financial transactions. Please check the important contents of these Terms and Conditions before using them .
② At the request of the user, the Company will provide the user with a copy of these Terms and Conditions by electronic document transmission ( including transmission using e-mail ), facsimile transmission , postal mail, or direct delivery .
③ If the company has an electronic device that provides electronic financial transaction services , the company displays an explanation of the important contents of the terms and conditions in an easy-to-understand manner for users through an electronic device and provides an expression of intent from the user that he or she is fully aware of the relevant content through an electronic device. The important terms of the terms and conditions are explained to the user on how to receive them .
④ When the Company changes these Terms and Conditions, it will post the changed Terms and Conditions on Internet websites, etc. one month prior to the effective date and notify users individually . However , if the terms and conditions are urgently changed due to a revision of the law, the changed terms and conditions will be posted on the Internet website for at least one month and users will be notified afterwards via e-mail, etc.
⑤ When the Company provides a notice or notice pursuant to Paragraph 4 , “ If the user does not agree to the change, the Company may terminate the contract from the date of the notice or notice until the business day before the effective date of the changed terms and conditions , and until this time, the contract may be terminated.” If you do not express your intention, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changed terms and conditions.”
⑥ If the user does not express his/her intention to terminate the contract from the time of the notice or notification in Paragraph 4 until the business day before the effective date of the changed terms and conditions, he/she is deemed to have agreed to the change .

Article 4 [ Composition and contents of electronic financial transaction services ]

① The electronic financial transaction services provided by the company are as follows .
Electronic payment agency service : Payment agency service for credit cards , gift certificates, and prepaid electronic payment methods
Issuance and management service of prepaid electronic payment means
② If necessary, the company may add or change services with advance notice to users .

Article 5 [ Use Hours ]

① In principle, the Company provides electronic financial transaction services to users 24 hours a day, 365 days a year . However , it may be determined differently depending on the circumstances of the financial company or other payment method issuer .
② If service interruption is unavoidable due to maintenance , inspection, or other technical needs of information and communication facilities, or due to circumstances of financial companies or other payment method issuers , the Company will post the fact of service interruption through available electronic means at least 3 days prior to service interruption . Services may be temporarily suspended . However , in unavoidable cases such as recovery from system failure , urgent program repair , or external factors, the service may be suspended without prior notice .

Article 6 [ Management of access media ]

① When providing electronic financial transaction services, the company verifies the user's identity , authority, and contents of transaction instructions depending on the access medium .
② Users must not engage in any of the following acts when using access media, unless there are special provisions in other laws . 1. The act of transferring or acquiring access media other than anonymous prepaid electronic payment means
Acts of renting , renting, storing, delivering , or distributing access media while receiving, requesting, or promising compensation .
Acts of renting, renting, storing , delivering , or distributing access media for the purpose of using them for a crime or knowing that they will be used for a crime.
Acts of using access media as a pledge or other security purpose.
The act of arranging the acts specified in items 1 to 4 .
③ Users must not leak, expose, or neglect their access media to a third party , and must exercise sufficient caution to prevent theft, forgery, or alteration of their access media .

Article 7 [ Confirmation of transaction details ]

① The company allows each user to check the transaction details ( including the user's ' error correction request and processing results ' ) through the transaction details inquiry screen on the Internet website, etc. , and if the user requests it, the company makes the request. Within two weeks from the date of receipt, a written document regarding the details of the transaction will be delivered by facsimile , postal mail , e-mail, or direct delivery, whichever is requested by the user .
② When the Company receives a user's request for written transaction details pursuant to Paragraph 1 and is unable to provide the transaction details due to operational failure of an electronic device or other reasons, it shall immediately notify the user of such reasons , such as operational failure, etc. The period during which transaction details cannot be provided due to reasons is not included in the period of delivery of the document regarding transaction details in Paragraph 1 .
③ If a user wishes to request written issuance as stipulated in Paragraph 1 , the request may be made to the following address and phone number . - Address : In front of T-money transaction details inquiry staff, Seoul City Tower Co. , Ltd. , 110 Huam-ro, Jung- gu , Seoul
Phone : 02-1644-0088

Article 8 [ Correction of errors, etc. ]

① When a user becomes aware that there is an error in an electronic financial transaction, he or she may immediately request a correction from the company . In this case, the company will immediately investigate and process the transaction and then notify the user of the cause of the error and the results of the processing within two weeks from the date of receiving the correction request. Please note .
② When the Company becomes aware of an error in an electronic financial transaction, it will immediately investigate and process the error and notify the user of the cause and results of the error within two weeks from the date of becoming aware of the error .
Article 9 [ Creation and preservation of electronic financial transaction records ]
① The company creates and preserves records that can be used to track and search the contents of electronic financial transactions used by users, or to confirm or correct when errors occur in the contents .
② Among electronic financial transaction contents, the retention period of 5 years is as follows . 1. Transaction account name or number
Type and amount of electronic financial transactions
Information indicating the counterparty of an electronic financial transaction
Electronic financial transaction date and time
Type of electronic device and information that can identify the electronic device
Fees received by the company in return for electronic financial transactions
Matters regarding user consent to withdrawal
Access records of electronic devices related to the relevant electronic financial transaction
Matters related to changes in applications and conditions for electronic financial transactions
Records of electronic financial transactions with a transaction amount exceeding 10,000 won per transaction
③ Among electronic financial transaction contents, the retention period for one year is as follows .
Records of small electronic financial transactions with a transaction amount of less than 10,000 won per transaction
Records of approval related to the use of electronic payment methods
Matters regarding the user's request for error correction and processing results

Article 10 [ When payment becomes effective and withdrawal of transaction instruction ]

① When a user pays funds using an electronic payment method, the payment becomes effective at the times specified in the following items .
When payment is made by means of prepaid electronic payment : When information on the amount instructed for the transaction reaches the electronic device designated by the recipient
When withdrawing cash directly from an electronic device : When the user who applied receives the cash
When payment is made by other electronic payment means : When information on the amount requested for the transaction has been entered into the electronic device of the financial institution where the recipient's account is opened.
② The user may withdraw the transaction instruction by sending an electronic document ( including transmission using e-mail ) to the person in charge specified in Article 7 , Paragraph 3 in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions until the payment becomes effective. can.
③ In cases where the company cannot immediately confirm whether the transaction has been completed due to the nature of electronic financial transactions, such as real-time transactions using prepaid electronic payment methods, the withdrawal of the user's transaction order may be restricted, notwithstanding Paragraph 2 .
④ The death of a user , declaration of adult guardianship , declaration of limited guardianship, etc., or the dissolution , merger , or bankruptcy of the user or the company does not in itself constitute withdrawal or change of the transaction order, and does not affect the authority of the company. do .
⑤ If the payment transaction is not made pursuant to the withdrawal of the user's transaction instruction, the company must return the received funds to the user .
⑥ When electronic payment becomes effective, the user may receive a refund of the payment amount by withdrawing the subscription in accordance with relevant laws such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

Article 11 [ Prohibition of provision of electronic financial transaction information ]

The company does not disclose the user's personal information , user's account , access medium, and information or data regarding the contents and performance of electronic financial transactions acquired to provide electronic financial transaction services to a third party in accordance with the law or without the user's consent. It will not be provided , disclosed, or used for purposes other than business purposes .

Article 12 [ Company Responsibility ]

① If damage occurs to a user due to an accident that falls under any of the following items, the company is responsible for compensating for the damage . 1. Accidents caused by forgery or alteration of access media
Accidents that occur during contract conclusion or electronic transmission or processing of transaction instructions
By using electronic devices for electronic financial transactions or access media obtained by false or other illegal means by intruding into the information and communications network pursuant to Article 2 , Paragraph 1 , Subparagraph 1 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. accident that occurred
② Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 , if the Company proves that the User has committed any of the following acts intentionally or through gross negligence , the Company may have the User bear all or part of the damages incurred by the User . 1. When the user rents the access medium to a third party, delegates its use, or provides it for transfer or collateral purposes.
If the user leaks, exposes, or neglects his or her access medium even though he or she knew or could easily have known that a third party could use the user's access medium to conduct electronic financial transactions without authorization .
In the event that damage occurs to a user who is a corporation ( excluding small businesses under Article 2 , Paragraph 2 of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises ), the company shall establish security procedures to prevent accidents and strictly comply with them, as reasonably required. When the duty of care has been fulfilled
In addition to the confirmation pursuant to Article 6 , Paragraph 1 of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the user refuses without justifiable grounds the additional security measures requested by the Company during electronic financial transactions to strengthen security, thereby violating Article 9 , Paragraph 1 of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act . If an accident under item 3 occurs
If a user commits any of the following acts with respect to media, means, or information used for additional security measures pursuant to subparagraph 4, he or she may be subject to a violation pursuant to Article 9 , Paragraph 1 , Subparagraph 3 of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act. If an accident occurs . Acts of leakage, exposure or neglect
b . An act of lending or entrusting its use to a third party, or an act of providing it for the purpose of transfer or collateral .
③ Notwithstanding Paragraphs 1 and 2 , if there are provisions in other laws that may be advantageously applied to users , the Company shall apply those laws first .

Article 13 [ Dispute Handling and Mediation ]

① Users may submit opinions and complaints related to electronic financial transactions and request dispute resolution , such as compensation for damages, to the person in charge of dispute resolution posted on the company's Internet homepage .
② When a user requests the company to resolve a dispute, the company will inform the user of the results of the investigation or processing within 15 days .
③ If a user has an objection to the company's dispute resolution results, he or she may contact the Financial Dispute Mediation Committee of the Financial Supervisory Service under Article 51 of the Act on the Establishment of the Financial Services Commission , or the Korea Consumer Agency under Article 60 , Paragraph 1 of the Framework Act on Consumers. You may apply to the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee for mediation of disputes related to the use of the company's electronic financial transaction services .

Article 14 [ Obligation to ensure company stability ]

To ensure the safety and reliability of electronic financial transactions, the company adheres to the standards set by the Financial Services Commission regarding the information technology sector and electronic financial services such as personnel , facilities , and electronic devices for electronic transmission or processing for each type of electronic financial transaction. .

Article 15 [ Status of electronic financial auxiliary business operator ]

In relation to electronic financial transactions, the intention or negligence of electronic financial auxiliary business operators, etc. is regarded as the intention or negligence of the company .

Article 16 [ Compliance Matters ]

In order to safely conduct electronic financial transactions, users must comply with the following matters as determined by the company .
Measures and management methods necessary to prevent electronic infringement such as password leakage and hacking
Procedures and methods provided by the company to protect users

Article 17 [ Recording of transaction details ]

① In order to ensure transaction accuracy, the company may record transaction details through phone calls with employees .
② The recorded content can only be used as evidence in the event of a dispute regarding the transaction , in which case the user may request the company to listen to the recorded content .

Article 18 [ Confidentiality Obligation ]

① Except in cases stipulated by law, the Company may not disclose to any other person without the consent of the user any information or materials regarding the user's personal information, account , access medium, and the contents and performance of electronic financial transactions learned while carrying out electronic financial transaction services. It will not be provided to, disclosed to, or used for purposes other than business purposes.
② The company is responsible for the theft or leakage of user-related information due to the company’s negligence in management .
③ Except in cases recognized by relevant laws, the Company does not post or transmit advertisements or collect identification information ( e.g. Serial, Mac Address, UUID, etc. ) of personal devices such as users' mobile phones and computers without prior consent of consumers .

Article 19 [ Rules and jurisdiction other than terms and conditions ]

① If the matters individually agreed upon between the company and the user are different from the matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, the agreed matters shall take precedence over these Terms and Conditions .
② Matters not specified in these terms and conditions regarding electronic financial transactions shall be subject to the individual terms and conditions .
③ Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions and the individual terms and conditions for electronic financial transactions ( including definitions of terms ) shall be subject to the Electronic Financial Transactions Act , the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. , and the Specialized Credit Financial Business Act , unless otherwise agreed upon. 」 in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations .
④ Jurisdiction over disputes arising between the company and users shall be governed by the Civil Procedure Act .

Chapter 2 Electronic payment agency service

Article 20 [ Definition ]

The definitions of terms in this chapter are as follows . “ Electronic payment agency service ” refers to a service that transmits or receives payment information for the purchase of goods or services ( hereinafter referred to as “ goods, etc. ” ) by electronic means, or that acts on behalf of or mediates the settlement of the price. says .

Article 21 [ Payment limit, etc. ]

Depending on the company's policy and the standards of payment institutions ( credit card companies , mobile carriers, etc. ), the payment limit for each user's payment method may be limited .

Chapter 3 Issuance and Management of Prepaid Electronic Payment Means

Article 22 [ Definition ]

A means of prepaid electronic payment issued by the ‘Company’ that is issued and managed by the ‘ Company ’ directly or through an affiliate of the ‘ Company ’ is called ‘ T-money ’ and the types of T-money are as follows .
“ T-money card ” refers to an anonymous prepaid electronic payment method issued through an access medium certified by the “ Company , ” such as a plastic card or USB with an IC chip that can store “ T -money . ”
“ Mobile T-money ” refers to an anonymous prepaid electronic payment method issued by the company on a USIM chip or SE (Secure Element, Embedded SE/Secure Memory card, etc. ) installed in the user's mobile phone , tablet , or other mobile device .
“ Pay Money ” refers to a means of prepaid electronic payment issued in bearer or registered form as an electronic document through an application provided by the company .
“ T-Money BizPay ” is issued by the ‘Company ’ directly or through an affiliate of the ‘ Company ’ to ‘ users ’ of corporations and public institutions who use the ‘ T-Money BizPay ’ service in accordance with the technical specifications defined by the ‘ Company ’ It refers to a bearer-type prepaid electronic payment method .
“Subscription T-money ” refers to an anonymous prepaid electronic payment method issued in the form of a T-money card or mobile T-money that allows use of specific transportation methods and sections according to the “Subscription T-money ” product during the validity period . There are products such as Climate Companion Card and Seoul Transportation Corporation period pass , and product types may be added or changed .

Article 23 [ Refund ]

① When a user presents a legitimate prepaid electronic payment method and requests a refund, the balance recorded on the prepaid electronic payment method is the amount at the time the user last paid and recharged before requesting a refund ( hereinafter referred to as the balance after the final recharge ). If more than 60/100 ( more than 80/100 if the balance after final recharge is less than 10,000 won ) has been used , the company will refund the entire recorded balance to the user . Even if you do not use the remaining balance and request a refund within 7 days after the final charge, the entire remaining balance will be refunded .
② Depending on the type of prepaid electronic payment method, the Company will refund the amount requested by the user even if the user uses less than 60/100 of the balance after final charging ( less than 80/100 if the balance after final charging is 10,000 won or less ) and requests a refund. We will refund you , please refer to the individual service terms and conditions for specific details .
③ Except in the case of Paragraph 4 , the Company may charge a certain refund fee depending on the refund method , and if the balance of the prepaid electronic payment method is less than the refund fee, refund requests may be restricted .
④ If the user requests a refund of the balance of the prepaid electronic payment method due to any of the following reasons, the company will collect the user's access media, etc. and pay the entire balance . In this case, the company will not charge a refund fee to the user . 1. In cases where it is difficult for the affiliated store to provide goods or services due to natural disasters, etc., making it impossible to use prepaid electronic payment methods.
If the affiliated store is unable to provide goods or services due to a defect in the prepaid electronic payment method
⑤ The company may restrict the refund limit and number of refunds in order to limit users' fraudulent refunds for the purpose of cash financing . Detailed information on refund reception locations and fees will be provided separately on the company's Internet website for users to check .

Article 24 Handling of loss and theft

If the access medium for the prepaid electronic payment method is lost or stolen, the company is not responsible for any damage to the stored amount due to loss or theft of cash . However , for certain products among prepaid electronic payment methods for which compensation for damages is determined by the company through individual terms and conditions, etc., if a user reports loss or theft, the amount stored in the access medium will be refunded according to the standards agreed upon in advance by the company. We will compensate the user up to the limit .

< Supplementary provisions >

Article 1 [ Enforcement date ]

These terms and conditions apply from December 28 , 2023 .